Excellence in Education Grant Impact 2018-2019

The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc. has offered schools the opportunity to apply for up to $3,000 to support instructional projects each school year.  Projects must address an identified need(s) that is aligned with BCPS goals for academics, and key actions as stated in the BCPS Blueprint 2.0: Our Way Forward and the School Progress Plans. Recipients awarded project funds were based on the project’s anticipated contribution to essential knowledge and skills students must have to be successful in life and employment in the 21st Century.

Grant proposals must address at least one of the following instructional focused 21st Century themes:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Civic Literacy
  • Environmental Literacy
  • Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy
  • Environmental Literacy
  • Global Awareness
  • Health Literacy
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

The following are the names and the titles of the 2018-2019 recipients of the 21st Century Excellence in Education  Grants:

School Name Title of Grant
Cromwell Valley Elementary Magnet School IIgnite Financial Literacy
Edmondson Heights Elementary School STEM Focused Makerspace and Robotics
Glyndon Elementary School Food and Sustainability
Gunpowder Elementary School Changing Children Through Concious Choices
Joppa View Elementary School #kidsdeserveit
Kingsville Elementary School The Virtues Project
Lutherville Lab Elementary School Food and Sustainability Night
Middlesex Elementary School Community Solution Builders
Perry Hall Elementary School Learning as We Grow
Pine Grove Elementary School Making the Makerspace Classroom