BCPS: We are Team BCPS

Are you on the Team?

Show it during the January 15 launch of new campaign

TOWSON, MD. – With the Ravens retired for the season and the Orioles little more than a distant, warm-weather dream, now is the time to focus on another local team with an impressive legacy and undeniable promise for greater success.

For more than a year, Baltimore County Public Schools teachers, staff, students, parents and supporters have been working to build Team BCPS – a coalition committed to providing high-quality education for every child.

On January 15, the school system will launch “We Are Team BCPS,” a new campaign to celebrate and expand this coalition.

To kick off the campaign, current, former and future students, teachers, staff, volunteers, partners and supporters of the school system are encouraged to wear blue – “BCPS blue” – to show their pride in being part of the Team.

“Our campaign is designed to build pride and encourage engagement by drawing attention to the high quality and enduring influence of a Baltimore County Public Schools education,” said Dr. Dance. “We want to start by showcasing the depth and breadth of our school system’s impact on the lives of those in Baltimore County and beyond.”

The “We Are Team BCPS” campaign will continue to unfold throughout the year and will include a variety of components and activities, including signs, public service announcements and a new “Get Involved” Web page.

The community is invited to participate in the campaign launch in several ways:

Team BCPS Day – January 15

To mark the occasion, the school system welcomes photographs and videos of Team members displaying their “BCPS blue” pride. Submissions can be sent to BCPS via Twitter (@BaltCoPS, #BCPSblue) or Facebook.

“We think folks might be surprised to discover how many of their colleagues are graduates of our schools, parents of BCPS students, or community volunteers,” said Dance.

The best images and videos received on January 15 will be featured on the BCPS website and Facebook page. BCPS will highlight the best images in the following categories:

  • Youngest (age included)
  • Oldest (age included)
  • Farthest away from Baltimore County (location included)
  • Most creative
  • Most spirited
  • Most representative of Team BCPS ideals
  • Best external stakeholder/community submission
  • Largest assembly (count included)

Story Sharing

Also beginning January 15, Team BCPS members are invited to share short paragraphs or videos about how BCPS has impacted their lives. Members should include their names and how they are connected to BCPS. Recommended paragraph length is 250 words, and recommended video length is 30 seconds. Sending photos to accompany the paragraphs is encouraged. The testimonials can be submitted to communications@bcps.org and might appear on BCPS-TV, Facebook, the BCPS blog or in the BCPS weekly e-newsletter. All submissions will become the property of BCPS.

Alumni Roundup

Graduates of BCPS are invited to send in brief profiles for the alumni page of the BCPS website. Profiles should include the high school one graduated from, a short description of major achievements/activities, and thoughts about the preparation that BCPS offered for the future. High-resolution photos must accompany these profiles.

Individuals are only posted on the alumni page with their permission and involvement. Any nominations must include direct contact information for the nominee.

Any questions should be directed to communications@bcps.org.