A Time to Thank, Recognize and Celebrate: Celebrating Excellence Breakfast
Each year, in the spring, the Foundation hosts its annual Celebrating Excellence Breakfast. This is a special time of the year that provides us the opportunity to personally thank, recognize and celebrate individuals who have provided their time, talent, and service to support us. Awards are presented to Board of Directors/Staff, BCPS Employees, Business and Community Stakeholders, the recipients of the 2015-2016 21st Century Instructional Initiative Grants, and the many volunteers who provided assistance in a variety of ways, either at our events or within our schools.
Celebrating Excellence provides the Foundation the opportunity to showcase the success of the Foundation throughout the year, sharing the ED Foundation’s story and accomplishments, with the following awards being presented by our executive committee: Meritorious Service Award, Innovation in Education, and the Leadership Award.
This year’s celebration will be held on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, main reception hall at Padonia Park Club, Cockeysville, Maryland. Invitations will be sent electronically.