Looking for TEAM BCPS Business Partners
2016 Principal of the Year and Teacher of the Year
Education is essential to the growth and development of our children enabling them to become globally competitive citizens and highly effective educators are a must in our classrooms and outstanding school leaders are must in our school houses to provide high-quality learning opportunities for our students. Therefore, each year Baltimore County Public School recognizes our education professionals by hosting a Teacher of the Year (TOY) and Principal of the Year (POY) recognition celebration.
With the nominations and applications being accepted by a panel of judges and entries being interviewed and scored, The Education Foundation is looking for TEAM BCPS community and business partners who would like to participate to the prize packages. How can you support and assist? Acquire information by sending an email or call our headquarters.
Acquire Additional Assistance
Ms. Deborah S. Phelps, Director dphelps@bcps.org
Mrs. Bonnie Derda, Administrative Assistant bderda@bcps.org
Or call the Education Foundation Headquarters