2024 Clean Green 15: Litter Challenge Award Recipient Grant Application

    Read carefully to fully understand guidelines and expectations.
    To download and print this form, please click here.

    Award Range:
    $1,000-$5,000 per project. The number of initiatives funded will depend upon available funds.

    Key Criteria & Eligible Projects:
    Review and award of projects conducted by the schools were based on the school communities participating and recording the most 15-minute litter clean-ups, including a variety of groups who chose to designate a particular school to receive credit. These groups include, but are not limited to, civic or community groups, scout troops, sports teams, faith groups, youth groups, businesses, environmental organizations, and others. All school-based instructional projects will emphasize the 21st Century theme of Environmental Literacy.
    Grant Implementation must be conducted and supervised by BCPS professional personnel who work directly with students, including teachers, school counselors, media specialists, nurses, etc. Projects must address an identified need that is aligned with BCPS goals, The Foundation's mission, and the school's progress plan. Funds may not replace normal funding from tax-based sources. The proposal should describe a quantitative and/or qualitative method to evaluate the success of the project. Funds may cover travel, participation in events/activities, consulting fees, and speaker honorariums. Funds may not cover personnel or any related expenses for BCPS staff, including gift cards and food/beverages. If food is purchased for students, it must align with USDA health regulations.

    Application Deadline:
    On or before Friday, December 6, 2024 by 5 p.m.

    Notification of Recipients:
    Recipients will receive an e-mail notification from the director on December 18, 2024, and a media release will be placed on our website on Monday, December 20, 2024.

    Awarding of Funding:
    Funds will be disbursed to the school/organization for project expenses according to standard Education Foundation practice as stated on the Request To Disburse Funds From The Foundation Account using the form titled "Request for Reimbursement/ Disbursement from a Foundation Project Fund" also located on that page. Any unexpended funds will revert to the Education Foundation unrestricted fund at the conclusion of the project on Friday, May 23, 2025.
    NOTE: Please do not use personal credit cards or cash when making grant purchases.

    Length of Project:
    Projects should be implemented during the 2024-2025 school year with all projects to be completed on or before Friday, May 23, 2025 , including the request to reimburse/disburse from the foundation project account.

    Applicant Eligibility:
    Applicants must be BCPS professional personnel. In the case of team-based proposals, a project coordinator must be designated to assume overall administrative responsibility for the environmental initiative grant application, submission of disbursement requests, and any other requested information or reports. Simultaneous funding of projects from the same applicant or benefitting the same classroom, department, or team will not occur.

    Proposal Review:
    Proposals will be competitively reviewed by the Programs and Allocations Committee of the Education Foundation. BCPS curriculum and instruction and/or business services professionals may be consulted as part of the proposal review for the purpose of compliance and alignment.

    Initiative Summary:
    A project summary is due to the Education Foundation upon the conclusion of the initiative no later than Friday May 23, 2025. See the project summary for details. In addition to the project summary, a one page “Story Board” document, created on the Power Point template provided by the foundation is required. This “Story Board” will provide a snapshot of the impact the awarded grant has had on the school community. It will be published for future content supporting the foundation. A grant recipient who does not submit a summary will not be eligible for future funding consideration until the summary has been received.
  • Application Cover Sheet

  • (Must be BCPS professional personnel)
  • NOTE: Application must be completed and submitted electronically on or before Friday, December 6, 2024, by 5 p.m. This cover sheet will not be included as part of the actual selection process by the Programs and Allocations Committee. Consideration of your request will be based entirely on the following proposal.
  • Application Project Description

    (May check more than one)
    (May check more than one)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • (May include funds from other sources)
  • Written Response

  • DIRECTIONS: Respond clearly and specifically to each of the statements/questions below. Do not include the name of your school, administrator and/or teacher in this application project description.
  • ItemDescriptionExpenseSource 
    Identify your detailed budget request for this project in order of priority. Include specific information on materials of instruction, equipment, services, and any other fees, charges and/or payments. If applicable, list funds/resources that will be required to implement this project beyond this grant request. Identify the anticipated source of funds for each expense. Please list grant in the source column for expenses to be covered by receipt of this Education Foundation award. (10 points)
  • NOTE: NOTE: Copies of all original invoices and proof of payments will need to be attached to the Request for Reimbursement/ Disbursement from a Foundation Project Fund (See Attached – Page 7) and returned to The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc., on or before May 23, 2025.
  • Self Checklist for Completion of Application

  • Project is appropriate for submission if the following questions can be answered in the affirmative: