Jennifer Miller


Office Depot’s Education Division, Instructional Lead Consultant

Board of Director
Elected May 2015
Term expires: June 2018

About Jennifer

Ms. Miller resides in Columbia, Maryland and is the Instructional Lead Consultant of Office Depot’s Education Division where her responsibility is to foster partnerships, consult and develop solutions with schools and school districts to assist in advancing students achievement.  Jennifer is a graduate of Kent State University in Kent, Ohio.

Having a passion to regularly volunteer at local school districts and animal advocate organizations, Ms. Miller loves to serve her profession and community.  Prior to becoming an Instructional Lead Consultant, she was an Education Partnership Manager for Office Depot’s Education Division in Maryland and Washington, D.C. building long-term, collaborative relationships with school district executive teams, school administrators and public charter school organizations assisting in focusing on priorities and meeting goals to advance student achievement.  Prior to that position, she was a Senior Business Development Manager for Office Depot’s Business Solutions Division building relationships and developing solutions for Large Business organizations in Maryland and Washington, D.C.  Due to her passion she was recognized by Office Depot with a Vision & Values Customer Award as well as The Customer Hero Award for assisting organizations and individuals in reaching their goals and impacting outcomes.

With more than two decades in her work with education, Ms. Miller is very pleased and excited to serve as a Board of Director.  She stated, “to serve on such a dynamic, collaborative and focused assembly is exciting.  They provide real-life learning opportunities for students, resources for both students and teachers, and aligning this specifically with the BCPS vision for all students to be successful is something with which we can all get on board! At the end of the day, it is all about Advancing Student Achievement!  This purposeful work is so important within the Maryland community because it takes the involvement of all stakeholders to help our students be successful.  They are the future, therefore we must all play a role in producing graduates who have the knowledge and skills to be responsible, productive citizens.  The future of Maryland depends on it!”