The Impact of Giving


Cohesive community partnerships with a common goal creates a voice of support.


The Education Foundation of BCPS, Inc., recently had the privilege to introduce such a partnership to two Baltimore County Public Schools, Woodlawn Middle and High Schools  This new partnership between Index Analytics, LLC, with corporate headquarters in Woodlawn, and educators and students exemplifies the caring, supportive community that supports Woodlawn schools. This opportunity was created through the Foundation to connect Index Analytics with neighboring community schools to support summer bridge programs for students entering Grades 6 and 9.


“The transition from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school is challenging for most students,” said BCPS Superintendent Dr. Darryl L. Williams. “Students experience environmental, social-emotional, psychological, and physiological changes that are often overwhelming. Summer transition programs have been shown to promote student success. We applaud Index Analytics for their generous support of a summer transition program for Woodlawn Middle and Woodlawn High students. We appreciate the company for understanding that the entire community has a role to play in ensuring student success.”


On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, Mr. Raghu Akkapeddi, CEO, Index Analytics,  and his wife Vidya Kadiyam and Allyn Finegold, Director of Philanthropy, Index Analytics, convened in the foyer of Woodlawn High School with BCPS Superintendent and education professionals to confirm the partnership with a generous donation of $10,000 in support of the summer bridge program to be held at both of the schools.  In attendance were Dr. Darryl L. Williams, BCPS Superintendent, Dr. Racquel Jones, BCPS Community Superintendent, West Zone, Ms. Jamel Jernigan, Principal, Woodlawn High School, Ms. Rochelle Archelus, Principal, Woodlawn Middle School, and Ms. Deborah Phelps, Executive Director, The Education Foundation of BCPS, Inc.


As stated by Mr. Raghu Akkapeddi, “Index Analytics is  humbled by the opportunity to support the Woodlawn community, with a focus on students and educators. We look forward to ongoing collaboration with our neighboring schools and a productive partnership with The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools.”


The purpose of this project is to fund, two individual and/or collaborative projects between Woodlawn Middle School and Woodlawn High School.  School transition is a process that includes and helps to prepare all school partners – students and their families and schools and their communities to develop knowledge, skills, and relationships that help students move from one education setting to another.  The summer bridge program will address identified areas of need for students to successfully transition from elementary to middle school (Grade 5 to 6) and from middle school to high school (Grade 8 to 9) providing the necessary support from the school, family, and community.


This research-based initiative reveals the challenges faced by students in maintaining school engagement and academic success during these critical times in their lives. Upon entry into either middle school and/or high school, students are bombarded with the environmental, social-emotional, psychological, and physiological changes that are often overwhelming.


Index Analytics is an exemplary BCPS community partner through its support of the summer bridge program for Woodlawn High School and Middle School.  As a contributor to the business community, Index Analytics drives results as well by bringing together business and IT professionals to boost engagement for clients in federal health. With a passion for data science and customer experience, and a commitment to staying accessible, they have built a better approach to federal health IT and the programs it supports.  As referenced on Index’s website: “Since 2012, Index has invested heavily in people: our clients, the public they serve, and the Index experts ready to empower both groups.  It’s a unique approach that fosters excellence in customer experience, 50% YOY company growth, and real results for our clients in federal health: the Center for Medicare & Medicaid services (CMS), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).”


The Foundation thanks all those who collaborated on the summer bridge program into making this an opportunity for students to transition smoothly towards their next learning opportunity.  Education shapes the future, and we are grateful to those who contribute to its success.