Then and Now
The Then and Now …. The Changing Face of Education
Traditional chalkboards . . . Modern whiteboards.
Notebooks . . . Chromebooks
A classroom desk . . . A standing desk
Tradition classroom chairs . . . Stability balls to improve posture and attention
Service dogs to release stress, anxiety, and reduce panic attacks
Daily participation in the universal breakfast program
Teachers raise funds through crowdfunding to supplement the need for basic school supplies
NOW . . . COVID-19 Pandemic and the face of education continues to change.
As schools remain closed and field days, closing ceremonies, spring sports, proms and graduates not existing during this school year, the 115,000+ diverse, students, nearly 10,000 innovative teachers, and support staff and the 175 talented, highly effective school principals in every school, program, and center in Baltimore County need your support and generosity more than ever.
With your support, together, we can champion the following programs and campaigns:
RISE for a Brighter Future (Relief in Securing Education)
Friends of the Foundation TEAM/BCPS
21st Century Instructional Initiative Grants
State of the Schools 2021
The Exchangeree
When we see the COVID-19 pandemic on the horizon, the next generation of leaders and global citizens will be equipped and prepared to embrace and capture the world because of you and your generous support.
There is no better time to make an investment in Baltimore County Public Schools than NOW.
We may look back and reflect on THEN, but it is NOW that you can make our schools, communities, and world so much better fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of our next generation.
I want to contribute to a brighter future, NOW!
#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020, as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
The Education Foundation of BCPS, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3), to attract and direct public financial contributions to programs and activities of the school system in support of quality education for all children.
Funding is a supplement and does not replace or alter the use of tax-based revenue.