Mission Moment: State of the Schools 2018 – New Look, New Venue, and New Experiences

We are happy to report that State of the Schools 2018 was an amazing experience that brought our community partners closer to the diversity of Baltimore County Public Schools, exhibiting programs and activities filled with performances and interactive demonstrations.  It is our wish to share the highlights of the day with the BCPS community.  Updates on The Education Foundation web site have been made to bring you closer to the event through new photos and information.

Participating in this year’s event were over 340 students from 42 different schools across the county, sharing their talents on the Learning Walk of Knowledge and on the program stage.   What is a Learning Walk of Knowledge, you may ask? It is a place where you can meet student directors, engineers, composers, carpenters, designers, robotic technicians, musicians, scientists, homeland security planners, environmental stewards, manufacturers, videographers, first responders in training, project managers, dancers, and artists.

To learn more about State of the Schools 2018, you can download our app from iTunes or Google play on our website at https://educationfoundationbcps.org/state-of-the-schools-2018/

We will continue to upload photos and information on our app about the grants, programs and scholarship as we capture new videos, photos and updates.