Emerging Leaders Council


Are you passionate about supporting public education?

Do you want to join a great team of young professionals?

Are you a leader or have the desire to become one?

The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public schools is looking for talented people to contribute time, talent and treasure to a good cause…. the future of our youth.

The Emerging Leaders Council helps shape criteria related to public education, business community partnerships, and The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools’ goals and initiatives. The young, upcoming professional women and men selected to participate in this council serve as a cadre of individuals that the foundation cultivates as potential foundation board members who may be selected from within this group.

The board selection consists of individuals under 40 years of age and includes but is not limited to the following professions: TV/Radio/media, higher education, medical, professional athletes, current employees of BCPS, faith-based individuals, hotel and tourism, and various walk of business including but not limited to – legal, accounting, technology, banking, etc.

Individuals who serve on this board are in-house champion(s) for The Education Foundation, in support of its vision and mission. This includes volunteer coordination as well as broadening and deepening the passionate support for the foundation by assisting with the following activities:

  • Fundraising for short and long range events and activities
  • Opening doors on behalf of the foundation to secure human and financial support aligned with its mission and vision
  • Increasing brand awareness by serving as an ambassador for the foundation within his/her workplace
  • Future leader

The council meets on a regular basis to learn about The Education Foundation’s priorities for the year, to learn of strategic initiatives the organization is undertaking and to discuss best practices.

For more information contact The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools

Ms. Deborah S. Phelps, Director – dphelps@bcps.org

Mrs. Laura Lemon, Associate Director- llemon2@bcps.org

Mrs. Bonnie Derda, Administrative Assistant – bderda@bcps.org

The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc. Headquarters

105 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Suite B-1
Towson, Maryland 21204

O: 443-809-8962