Be an Ambassador…Become a Champion

We Want You…You… and YOU!

Be an Ambassador…Become a Champion


The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc.

Did you attend Baltimore County Public Schools?  Are you a young professional within the Baltimore County area?  Are you interested in providing your time, talent and treasure to public education?  If the answer is yes to one, two or three of the asked questions, then we want to converse with you.

The Emerging Leaders Council of The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc., began a few years ago under the leadership of director, Deborah Phelps and two Baltimore County alum, Tim Bojanowski, proud Towson High School graduate and Matt Musgrove, proud Dulaney High school graduate, to assist with issues/concerns related to public education and business community partnerships for Baltimore County Public Schools. The young, upcoming professional women and men selected to participate in this council capacity would serve as a cadre of individuals that the foundation will cultivate as volunteers as well potential foundation board members.

The stated purpose of the council is to select emerging leaders/associate(s) who will serve as in-house champion(s) for the education foundation, in support of its vision/mission. The members of the council will coordinate volunteers and act as internal liaisons to the foundation’s board members. By broadening and deepening passionate support for the Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, the council member(s) will assist the foundation board members in their commitment to the organization.

Each month the council hosts social events throughout Baltimore County and Baltimore City to share information.  To gather additional information about the council and to become an ambassador or a champion for public education, contact Mr. Matt Musgrove, or the Education Foundation Headquarters at 410-887-8962 to speak with Mrs. Bonnie Derda, Administrative Assistant or Ms. Deborah S. Phelps, Director