Team BCPS to Launch Back to School Involves You, Too! Campaign

Community invited to wish students a wonderful 2015-2016 school year.

In just a few short weeks, thousands and thousands of students will be getting on to school buses, in cars and/or walking to school, to enter through school house doors across our nation but most importantly right her in our county. Baltimore County Public Schools will be greeting 111,000 students ready for learning with back packs over their shoulders or in hands. But before that first day occurs, families will be purchasing school supplies to fill all of the backpacks to assist in the learning process.

TEAM BCPS Back to School Involves You, Too! campaign is where everyone can support our students.  You, me, our relatives and neighbors can join in to support the cause. From August 1-14, 2015, local Office Depot stores are joining The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools to collect school supplies for the area’s 111,000 public school students. All you have to do is go to the closest Office Depot to you, review the list provided to the store as to the most needed supplies, make the purchase and place your donation in the box that has been provided.  Presto!  You just supported a child in Baltimore County Public Schools.  Your donation helped “Pack the Sack,” making returning to school just a little easier for students in our community.

Check out the list below of the most needed school supplies. They include the following:  folders, composition books / notebooks, pencils, crayons, highlighters / markers, glue sticks, post-a-notes, binders and scissors.

Coming together to make a difference, by providing supplies to enable all BCPS students to be prepared for school!

As part of the Back to School Involves You, Too! campaign, the entire community is invited to cheer students on as they make their way back into the classroom. Just go to the Back to School Involves You, Too! webpage to download, print and display Back to School campaign flyers as you desire.

The flyers are a great way to show your support of your own students and of all BCPS students as we close out this summer season. Place them in windows at your home, in your car or in your business storefront windows, or in any other creative place where students will see them.

Snap pictures of your signs and of your children on their first day back and send them to us to post on the BCPS website,

You can send your pictures to or tweet them to @BaltCoPS with the hashtag, #BCPSfirstday. Don’t forget to post your photos to Instagram as well! Use the same hashtag and tag us in your photo, @foundationBCPS.

