“We Are Team BCPS” Day produces plethora of award-winning photos, videos

More than 200 images – and counting – received

TOWSON, MD. – BCPS students, educators, alumni, parents, and supporters painted the county – and sometimes themselves – blue on Wednesday to show their enthusiasm and commitment for Baltimore County’s public schools and students and to encourage even greater community engagement.

They dressed in blue. They wore blue masks or face paint. They baked blue cakes. They illuminated buildings in blue light. They cheered and sang and danced and celebrated their support for Team BCPS, all for the school system’s first “We Are Team BCPS” Day event.

And they took pictures to commemorate the day. Lots of pictures.

Norwood and West Towson elementaries held school-wide rallies and took pictures. Office personnel arranged themselves into the shapes of the Team BCPS logo or donned BCPS blue masks and “No. 1” foam fingers. The chiefs of Baltimore County’s police, fire and health departments came together with Superintendent Dallas Dance to show their true blue support of schools. And school partners like famed surgeon Dr. Ben Carson and his wife, Candy, sent in blue-bedecked snapshots of their support.

“Everywhere I went, I saw students, teachers, staff and parents who were enthusiastic about their schools and dressed proudly in blue,” said Dr. Dance. “The message of the day for me came through loud and clear — that all of us have a role to play in making Baltimore County schools the best in the nation, and that we are excited about that work. We are all Team BCPS.”

While Wednesday’s show of support marked the kickoff to the “We Are Team BCPS” campaign, the initiative will continue, including invitations for members of Team BCPS to share their stories about how BCPS has impacted their lives and for alumni to share their accomplishments and biographies. For more information about the campaign, visit http://www.bcps.org/teambcps/.

On Wednesday, more than 200 images and videos poured into the campaign demonstrating the community’s “BCPS Blue” spirit. Many of the images appeared on the BCPS website, Facebook page, and Twitter feeds, and the day’s best images are highlighted below in the following categories:

  • Best Office Spirit – The BCPS Office of Budget and Reporting
  • Largest Assembly – (tie) Norwood Elementary School and West Towson Elementary School
  • Best School Video – Windsor Mill Middle School (Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxvbE0s0WNE.)
  • Best Educational Photo (for creating a color scale) – Winand Elementary School
  • Overwhelmingly Adorable Photo – Halstead Academy
  • Most Creative Photo – BCPS Office of Project Management and Web Services
  • Longevity Award – Gary Brager, BCPS Department of Research, Accountability and Assessment
  • Most “True to the Blue” – Scott Olson, psychology and government teacher, Towson High School
  • Best Use of Extremities – Woodbridge Elementary School
  • Best Superpower (teaching) – Padonia International School
  • Oldest Team BCPS Member – Bertha McManus, almost age 91, Halethorpe Elementary School
  • The “Where’s Dr. Dance Now?” Award – BCPS Office of Human Resources
  • Most Inspirational Message – Golden Ring Middle School, which depicted students “climb(ing) the steps to success with Team BCPS”
  • Best Collaboration Between Schools Award – Dundalk and Kenwood high school basketball teams
  • Sharing the Spirit Award – Corporate – GWWO Inc./Architects
  • Sharing the Spirit Award – Nonprofit – Ben and Candy Carson/Carson Scholars Fund
  • Sharing the Spirit Award – Government – (tie) Baltimore County Executive’s Office and Baltimore County Police, Fire, and Health departments
  • Sharing the Spirit Award – Higher Education – Community College of Baltimore County
  • Continuing the Legacy Award – Nicole Fields, a teacher at Norwood Elementary School

BCPS thanks all those who submitted photos and videos to celebrate “We Are Team BCPS.” The highlighted photos may be enjoyed at http://www.flickr.com/photos/bcps/sets/72157639870829634/.

Winners will receive certificates in recognition of their effort, talent, creativity, and spirit.