Growing Our Own for BCPS

Scholarship Application

Apply today to be a recipient of a portion of the $1 million dollars allocated for The Baltimore County Diverse Teacher Recruitment Scholarship: Growing Our Own for BCPS. This scholarship will financially support college students in their Junior and Senior years, BCPS para-educators, conditional teachers contracted with BCPS, and career changers attending local Maryland colleges/universities and studying education by encouraging them to complete their internships in BCPS schools and commit to teaching in BCPS schools for the first three years after they graduate from their teacher education programs. 

Applicant Information

Applicant's Name
Maiden Name (if applicable)

High School Information

Name of High School
High School Office Phone Number
Year of High School Graduation
Final Grade Point Average (GPA)
Final Quality Point Average (QPA)

College/University Information

College/University Information
Status: I am a:
Name of College/University
School of Education Advisor's First and Last Name
Advisor's Email Address
Advisor's Phone Number
Your Major(s):
Your Minor(s):
Which Semesters between June 1, 2024, and June 30, 2026, do you plan to take classes:
Current GPA
Projected Year of Graduation

Additional Application Documents

Max. file size: 32 MB.
Please upload verification of enrollment in an accredited two- or four-year college or university.
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Please upload your completed Scholarship Funding Request Chart indicating how much money you are projecting for tuition, fees, and books each semester and the total amount of scholarship funding you are requesting (see the scholarship guidelines document for a visual of the chart).
Max. file size: 32 MB.
The Growing Our Own for BCPS Application Essay must be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-pt font. The Application Essay should contain up to, but not exceed, 500 words. Upload your completed essay here. The Essay should address the following questions:  In what subject(s) are you pursuing a teaching certificate? What grade level(s) are you interested in teaching this subject(s)? Why?  What specific skills do you have that will help you earn your teaching certificate and to teach children?  Why is it important for you to commit to teaching in Baltimore County Public Schools?
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Upload your first letter of recommendation here. One recommendation should be written by your School of Education Advisor or Internship Supervisor.
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Upload your second letter of recommendation here. One recommendation should be written by your School of Education Advisor or Internship Supervisor.


Job Title
Start Date
End Date
Supervisor's First and Last Name
Supervisor's Phone Number
Supervisor's Email Address
Reason for Leaving


NOTE: Applications must be completed and submitted electronically on or before Tuesday, April 30, 2024, by 5 p.m. The cover sheet will not be included as part of the actual selection process by the Programs and Allocations Committee. Consideration of your request will be based entirely on the following proposal.

Grow Our Own Full