Mission Moment: Music Connects Us!

Students from Sussex Elementary School make music fun, entertaining and an experience that shares joy with the community.   How?  Two music programs were supported through grants awarded to Sussex ES by The Education Foundation of BCPS last year; The Sussex Singers and The Sussex Bucket Band.

Students in each group performed in several public venues including senior citizen retirement homes, public libraries and shopping malls.   Taking their music to the community gave students the opportunity share outcomes of lessons learned through music instruction created to enhance the students learning experience.

One of the surprising outcomes of music is the impact it has on a student’s ability to improve learning potential by reaching higher academic achievement and connecting music concepts across the curriculum of music, math and science.  Music concepts can help students make connections to strengthen and enhance their ability to problem solve and use higher critical thinking skills, which have been identified in brain based studies of student learning.

Through public performance, students were able to build a stronger sense of self confidence while at the same time gaining a solid sense of community.  To their audiences’ delight, they received the uplifting display of song and rhythm felt through live presentation.

The music programs were made possible by the following individuals who spearheaded the grant projects, Mr. Tommy Tate, Mr. Bradley Mitchell, Ms. Ashley Battersby, Ms. Mary Schumacher under the leadership of Mr. Tom Bowser, Principal.  Thank you for making these programs possible.

Watch the Sussex Bucket Band perform herehttp://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sussex+bucket+band&&view=detail&mid=A28CA02A8D91E087057BA28CA02A8D91E087057B&FORM=VRDGAR

We hope to see performances again in the near future!

Would you like to have an experience like this for the students in your school?  If so, The Education Foundation of BPCS 2017-2018 grant application process is available on our website.  Applications will be received up until October 20th, 2017.  Grant application support is also provided!  Check us out here at https://educationfoundationbcps.org/grants/