Mission Moment: 21st Century Instructional Initiative Grant Recipients

The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc., is dedicated to supporting our students and community members as they explore their interests, hone their skills, and become successful contributors to our society. 

Each year The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc. provides schools and offices/departments with an opportunity to apply for instructional initiative grants to fund innovative projects not funded by their school’s/office’s operating budget. Selected projects address an identified need aligned with Baltimore County Public Schools goals for academics and key actions as stated in the BCPS The Compass: Our Pathway to Excellence and school progress plans. They also have clear, measurable objectives, a potential for successful implementation, and a positive impact on students.

This year, $30,000 in grants were awarded to BCPS Elementary, Middle and High Schools. The implemented projects addressed at least one of the following instructional focused 21st-Century themes:

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