News from Baltimore County Public Schools
Friendly visit: West Towson students deliver gifts for Ridge Ruxton neighbors
What a heartwarming way to start the new year! Mia, Sofia, Sabine and Ruhi, Grade 4 students at West Towson Elementary, presented gifts to students at neighboring Ridge Ruxton School.
The friendship bracelets and wreaths were part of a kindness project. The Ridge Ruxton School students were so excited to be visited by their peers and pick out their favorite bracelets. Learn more about the partnership between West Towson Elementary and Ridge Ruxton in
our latest blog post.
Video of the Week: Author Ronald Smith visits Windsor Mill Middle students
Ronald Smith, the author of “Hoodoo,” was an invited guest at Windsor Mill Middle. “Hoodoo” is about a young boy who is born into a family with a tradition of practicing folk magic. The boy can’t seem to cast any spells, but must learn to overcome in order to save his town. The students really enjoyed the opportunity to meet the author and read his book.
Mission Moment
The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools

We can’t thank our community business partners enough for all they do to benefit students.
In the latest example, Media Star Productions and CEO Carin Lazarus partnered with The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools to assist students in many different ways.
Learn more about Media Star’s generosity in our latest Mission Moment. For more details about how you can help students, contact Deborah S. Phelps, Executive Director, at 443-809-8962.

Parenting Tip of the Week:
Encourage students to wear blue for Team BCPS Day Thursday, Jan. 12
Parents play a pivotal role in Team BCPS Day every year. We have been so impressed with how many parents make sure their students wear blue to celebrate Team BCPS Day. Once again, we are asking for your help.
This year’s Team BCPS Day is Thursday, Jan. 12. We encourage everyone to share photos using the hashtag #BCPSBlue on social media. Even if you don’t live in the Baltimore region, you can participate! Last year, responses came from as far away as California. Wearing blue is a fun way to show your support for Baltimore County Public Schools.
Good luck picking out your favorite blue attire. We can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with this year.
Photo of the Week – from Chadwick Elementary

U.S. Marines Cpl. Jonathon Footman visited Terry Allen, his former first grade teacher, just before winter break at Chadwick Elementary. She made such a difference in his life that he felt compelled to return and thank her for all she did. Cpl. Footman’s father is an English teacher at Catonsville Center for Alternative Studies.
A weekly memo from the superintendent

Dear Team BCPS:
Last weekend, I joined BCPS leaders and members of the Board of Education at the TABCO/ESPBC legislative breakfast. This annual event with the bargaining units that represent school-based staff provides an opportunity to network and dialogue on important issues with our elected officials.
Tomorrow, I will present the proposed operating budget for the 2017-2018 school year to the Board. The Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget on January 17, followed by work sessions on January 24 and 31. Continued public engagement is critical as we move through the budget process. Please visit
http://www.bcps.org/budget for more information.
Mark your calendar for Team BCPS Day, which is Thursday, Jan. 12! Wear your BCPS blue, and share photos, videos, and messages about why you are part of our team at #BCPSblue or by emailing
communications@bcps.org. I look forward to seeing students, staff, parents, and partners show their creativity.
Take care,
Dr. Dance
Happening This Week…
01/09 Special Ed. Citzens’ Advisory Committee meeting at Greenwood
01/10 Board of Education of Baltimore County meeting at Greenwood
01/10 Student Member of the Board of Education applications available
01/10 Maryland 529 college savings program meeting at Franklin Middle
01/11 Theatre Scene Night at Patapsco High
01/12 Team BCPS Day. Remember to wear blue!
here to learn more about these and many other events this week.