The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, Inc. provides, under federal and state laws, an appropriate method to solicit charitable contributions in support of the 110,000 students, 10,000 educators, and 176 school communities in the Baltimore County Public School system. All funds go toward our mission-driven work to contribute to a brighter future as a Champion of the school system so that all members of our community have the resources they need to reach their full potential.
Friends of the Foundation provides the opportunity to make a one time, monthly, or yearly donation to demonstrate support of the school system. This donation is classified as an unrestricted donation.
21st Century Instructional Initiative Grants provide schools and offices with the opportunity to apply for grants to fund innovative projects not funded in the school/office budget.
Scholarships are provided through The Education Foundation Scholarship Fund Program and The Education Foundation Private Scholarship Program to support students who pursue post-secondary education and training.
Grants provide funding for special projects that enhance curricula, improve school climate, celebrate the diversity of our community, and support the overall well-being of students and staff.
The Exchangerees: Gizmos and Gadgets Galore are two educator resource centers where teachers shop at no cost to themselves for Tools for School, Share the Warmth & Joy items, Books for Bins, and other donated treasures.